[ Announcement Regarding Termination of Vidyo Service ]
We will be terminating our Vidyo service at the end of July 2024.
After the termination, we will no longer provide any video
conferencing system or bridge service for H.323 video conference
Please migrate to other teleconference systems, such as Teams, before
the termination date of July 31, 2024.
KEK Computing Center provides Vidyo conference service as a communication tool for TV conference.
We provide multipoint conferencing by Vidyo conference, Vidyo client software,
and other multipoint conferencing from H.323.
Vidyo service
Vidyo Portal = Client software for PCs (Windows 10,11 macOS 13, iOS, Android OS)
Vidyo Router = Multi-point conference service
Vidyo Gateway = Gateway among vidyo clients and H.323
How to use the Vidyo service
1. Create Vidyo account
2. Installer download
If you become a video conference meeting author (person who create a new meeting)
Connect to Vidyo portal from Vidyo application and create a new meeting.
Each meeting has a PIN code which is required in joining the meeting.
The author invites meeting paricipants by sending a mail or so and shares the PIN code.
Please contact to: consult@kek.jp